Reinforcement Learning

5 minute read

Bandit Algorithm

Multi-Arm Bandit

For each time step $t$:

  • $\epsilon$ Greedy Algorithm:
    • if $rand() < \epsilon$ random select $k$ from $1$ to $K$
    • if $rand() > \epsilon$, $k = \underset{a}{argmax\ }(Q(a))$
    • Usually $\epsilon = \frac{1}{\sqrt {t}}$
  • Take action $k$, record reward $r$
  • Update action times
  • Update action values:
  • Interpretation:

Context-Free - UCB (Upper Confidence Bound)

  • for a given option $a_i$: the expected return is $\bar x_{i,t} + \sqrt{\frac{2ln(n)}{n_{i,t}}}$
  • first term - exploitation: the average return of item $i$ in the last $n_{i,t}$ trials
  • second term - exploration: higher bounds for items which were selected not that often

Context-Free - Thompson Sampling

  • beta distribution: $f(x;\alpha, \beta) = C \cdot x^{\alpha-1} \cdot (1-x)^{\beta-1} $. Note that $\alpha = \beta = 1$ gives the uniform distribution between 0 and 1.
  • the beta distribution is the conjugate prior probability distribution for the Bernoulli distribution
  • each time stamp, find the largest $\theta_i$, and update the parameter $\alpha_i$ and $\beta_i$ based on the reward $r$.
  • The two parameters controls the mean and variance of the $\theta$ for each option.

Contextual Bandit

  • The decision becomes making action $a$ based on the contextual vector $x_t$ and policy $\pi$
  • get reward $r_{t,a}$ and revise policy $\pi$.

Markov Process

Markov Property of a state

  • $P(S _{t+1} \vert S_t) = P(S _{t+1} \vert S_t, S _{t-1}, S _{t-2}, …)$, i.e, given the present, future is independent of past states.

Markov Process (MP)

  • A sequence of random states $S$ with Markoe property, with the defintions of:
    • $S$: a finite set of states
    • $P$: transition function - $P(S _{t+1} = s’ \vert S_t=s)$

Markov Reward Process

Reward Function:

Return Function:

Value Function & Bellman Expectation Equation

  • how good is it to be in a particular state
  • Two components:
    • Immediate reward
    • Discounted value of the successor state
  • Interpretation:
    • The expected reward we get upon leaving that state

Analytical solution to Bellman Equation

  • Computational complexity: $O(n^3)$

Markov Decision Process

New State Transition Probability - with action $a$

New Reward Function - with action $a$


  • Given a fixed policy, the MDP becomes MRP.

New State Transition Probability - with policy $\pi$

New Reward Function - with policy $\pi$

New Value Function & Bellman Expectation Equation - with policy $\pi$

New Action-Value Function - with policy $\pi$ and action $a$:

  • how good is it to be in a particular state with a particular action

The relationship between $V$ and $q$

Rewrite New Action-Value Function

Rewrite New Value Function

Analytical solution to New Bellman Equation

Bellman Optimality Equation

  • Optimal Policy
  • Optimal Value Function
  • Optimal Value-Action Function

Relationship between optimal functions

Rewrite Optimal Value Function

Model-based Approach (known $P$ and $r$)

Policy Evaluation

  • Given MDP and policy $\pi$
  • Using analytical solution to Bellman Equation Rewrite New Value Function
  • Iteration from $k$ to $k+1$:

Policy Iteration

  • Policy Evaluation: Given $\pi_i$, evalute $V _{\pi_i}$ for each state $s$.

  • Policy Improvement: for each state $s$:

    • Calculate $q(s,a)$ for each $a$

- Get updated policy $\pi _{i+1}(s)$

  • Convergence: can be mathematically improved
  • Stop Criteria:
    • Assume current policy $\pi_i$ is already optimal
  • Then $\pi_i$ is the optimal $\pi^*$, we have:


Value Iteration

  • Directly find the optimal value function of each state instead of explicitly finding the policy

  • Value Update:

  • Stop Criteria: Difference in $V$ value
  • Optimal Policy: Action with max $V$ for each state


Model-free Approach (Unknown $P$ and $r$)

Monte-Carlo (MC) Methods

  • Update until the return is known

Policy Gradient - Monte Carlo REINFORCE

  • The parameters $\theta$ in the $NN$ determines a policy $\pi _{\theta}$
  • Define trajectory $\tau$

  • Define total reward $r(\tau)$

  • The loss function for a given policy $\pi _{\theta}$ is

  • A mathematical property can be proved

  • There are other revisions to replace $\color{blue}{ r(\tau)}$ with $\color{blue}{ \Phi(\tau, t)}$ to account for various problems. (e.g., standardization for all positive rewards, only calcultate the reward of $a_t$ from $t+1$, etc.). For example:
  • Step 1: sample $\tau = (a_1, s_1, a_2, s_2, …, a_T, s_T)$ based on $\pi _{\theta}$, and get $r(\tau)$
  • Step 2: Calculate back propagation for $\nabla_\theta J(\theta)$. For each time step $t$, it’s multiclass-classification $NN$ with target value as $\color{blue}{r(\tau)}$ or $\color{blue}{ \Phi(\tau, t)}$.
  • Step 3: Update weiights $w$.


  • Update after each episode instead of each time step. There may be some bad actions.
  • Require large sample size.


see this notebook

Temporal-Difference (TD) Learning

  • TD methods need to wait only until the next time step.
  • At time t + 1 they immediately form a target and make a useful update.


  • Key idea: the learned action-value function $Q$ directly approximates $q^*$, the optimal action-value function
  • Optimal Policy:

  • ref:

  • Initialize $Q$ table with $Q(s,a)$, note that $Q(terminal, \cdot)=0$
  • Loop for each episode:
    • Initialize S
    • Loop for each step of episode:
      • Choose action $a$ from S using policy derived from $Q$
      • Take action $a$, observe reward $r$ and next state $s’$.
      • Update $Q$ table:
      • $s \leftarrow s’$
    • until $s$ is terminal


  • A finite set of actions. Cannot handle continuous or stochatisc action space.


Deep Q-Learning

  • The parameters $w$ in the $NN$ determines a policy $Q(s,a \vert s, w)$ for each $a$. image-20200617233544927

  • For episode in range(max_episode):

    • For step in range(max_step):
      • From $s$, run $NN$, and get $\hat Q_w(s,a)$ for each action a.
      • Select and take best action $a^*$
      • Get reward $r$ and Get next state $s’$.
      • Run $NN$ again to get $Q(s’,a’)$ for each $a’$
      • If $s’$ is not terminal: Set target value $\color{blue}{Q(s,a^*) = [r + \gamma \underset{a’}{max\ } Q(s’,a’)]} — [4]$
      • Set loss $L= [\hat Q_w(s,a^) - \color{blue}{Q(s,a^)}] ^2$
      • Update weights


see this notebook

Vanilla Actor-Critic

  • reference

  • Instead of using $r(\tau)$ (which is the emprical, long-term reward based on T steps) and updating $\theta$ after one episode, here we use $Q(s,a)$ instead (There are also other variations). This enables updating weights every step.

    • Policy Gradient:
    • Actor:

    • Deep Q-Learning

    • Critic


  • Intialize $s, \theta, w$, and sample $a$ from based on $\pi_\theta$.
  • For $t = 1, 2, … ,T$
    • get $s’$ and $r$
    • get $a’$ based on $\pi_\theta(a’ \vert s’)$
    • Update $\theta$ based on $[7]$
    • Update $w$ based on $[8]$
    • $a \leftarrow a’$, $s \leftarrow s’$.

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

  • Both REINFORCE and the vanilla version of actor-critic method are on-policy: training samples are collected according to the target policy — the very same policy that we try to optimize for.
  • DDPG is a model-free off-policy actor-critic algorithm

Comparison with Deep Q Learning



  • Action space
    • DQN cannot deal with infinite actions (e.g., driving)
    • Policy gradient can learn stochastic policies while DQN has deterministic policy given state.
  • Convergence
    • Policy gradient has better convergence (policy is updated smoothly, while in DQN, slight change in Q value may completely change action/policy space, thus no convergence guarantee)
    • Policy gradient has guaranteed for local minimum at least
    • But usually policy gradient takes longer to train)
  • Variance
    • Policy gradient: Higher variance and sampling inefficiency. (Think of a lot of actions taken in a epoch before updating)
    • Actor-Critic: TD update.

  • Left: model unknown
  • Right: model known
  • Top: update each step
  • Bottom: update each episode