Statistical Analysis - 1

4 minute read

Independent Sample t-Test and A/B Test



  1. X and Y are independent
  2. X and Y have same variance $\sigma^2$
  3. X and Y from normal distribution, respectively

(*)Test Statistic Under Un-equal Variance

Test Statistic Under Equal Variance

  • Under Normal Distribution (Independent Sample T-test):
  • Under Binomial Distribution (A/B Test):
    • Option 1: Assume same proportion
  • Option 2: Assume different proportion

One-Tail vs. Two-Tail Test

  • Two Tail: Compare $ \vert T \vert $ with $t _{m+n-2} (\alpha/2) $
  • One-Tail: Compare $T$ with $t _{m+n-2}(\alpha)$

Violation of assumptions

  • For $1^{st}$ assumption (Independence) : by experiment design

  • For $2^{nd}$ assumption: Perform *Levene test *
    • Null hypothesis: samples have same variances
    • Reject null hypothesis when $p<\alpha=0.05$
    • When violated, the calculation of $df$ will change
    • Alternative: perform log transformation to stablize variation
  • For 3rd assumption: Perform Shapiro-Wilks test
    • Reject null hypothesis when $p<\alpha=0.05$
    • When sample size is big, still valid (asymptotic normality)
    • Reason: Central Limit Theory for $\bar X$ and $\bar Y$

Relationship with Likelihood-Ratio Test

  • Can be proved to be equivalent

Non-parametric methods

  • Mann-Whitney Test:

  • Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

  • Advantages
    • Small sample size
    • Robust to outliers
    • No need for normal assumptions
  • Disadvantages:
    • Higher Type II error
    • Lower power
    • Not really needed for large sample

Calculate sample size / Power


  • $P$(reject $H_0 \vert H_1$ is true)
  • Commonly 80-95%
  • Red shaded area

What impacts power

  • Effect Size (+)
  • Sample Size (+)
  • Significant Level (e.g., 5%) (+)
  • Population SD (-)
    • Conversion Rate vs. Actual number of visits
  • ref:

  • Combined equation
  • Effect Size

  • Significance Level

  • Calculate sample size

p_baseline = 0.50 # under H_0
effect_size = 0.05 # Desired effect size
sig = 0.99
sample_size = 1001
  • Look up table: $Z(\alpha) = 2.326$

  • Calculate power of test
    • Standardize user-provided $ES$
    • Calculate the arrow point on blue axis:
    • Calculate the area of blue
    • Calculate the area of power
  • How to calculate Sample Size:
    • Formula for sample size estimation under $95\%$ significance and $80\%$ power.
s_x = np.sqrt(p_baseline * (1 - p_baseline))
s_p =  s_x * np.sqrt( 1 / sample_size)
effect_size_N_0_1 = effect_size / s_p
phi_value = 2.326 - effect_size_N_0_1
blue_shade = norm.cdf(phi_value)
power = 1 - blue_shade
#Just use formula
N_size = 16 * p_baseline * (1 - p_baseline) / (effect_size * effect_size)

Online Experiment

A/A Test

  • Assign user to one of the two groups, but expose them to exactly same experience
  • Calculate variability for power calculation
  • Test the experimentation system (reject $H_0$ about 5% given significant level as 5%, with dummy treatments)
  • Shut down treatment if significantly underperform

  • Maybe something is wrong with how system assign treatment to users

Type of variates

  • Call to action
  • Visual elements
  • Buttons
  • Text
    • Ad: Promotion vs. Benefit vs. Information
    • Tweets: length/style/emoji/etc
  • Image and Video
  • Hashtags
  • Backend (e.g., recommendation algorithm)

Select evaluation metric

  • Short-term vs. Long-term
    • adding more ads –> short-term revenue
    • loss of page views/clicks –> long-term revenue loss / user abandonment
  • Consistent with long-term company goal, and sensitive enough to be detected
    • KPI: hard to detect change in a short time
    • Evaluation metric: strong correlation with KPI as a proxy
  • Example of metrics:
    • Netflix Subscription: Viewing hours
    • Coursera Course certification: Test completion / Course Engagement
  • By selecting better evaluation metric

    • Search Engine: Sessions per user instead of queries per user
    • $\frac{Queries}{Month}=\frac{Queries}{Session}\times\frac{Session}{User}\times\frac{User}{Month}$
  • By quantifying loss of traffic:

    • Putting Ad on Homepage: (decrease in click-through rate) X (visit frequency) X (cost of regenerating this traffic from other sources)


  • Analyze across key segments
    • Browser type
    • Device type
    • New and return users
    • Men and women
    • Geo
    • Age
    • Subscribers

    Alert: Multiple comparison issue.

  • Temporal factors (non-stationary time-series)
    • e.g, day of week effect
    • other periodical events
  • Treatment ramp-up
    • Start from 0.1% treatment, gradually to 50%
    • A 50%/50% design is much faster than a 99%/1% design (25 times faster)
  • Early stopping

  • Preference to old or preference to newness
    • Novelty effect
    • Longer time
    • Only expose to new users
  • Implementation cost
  • Performance speed
    • Slow feature: bad experience

AB test vs. Bandit

Network effect

  • Sample consistency: for example, GCP, two uses in one collaboration group faces two different features. Or adding a video chatting feature, which only works if both sides have access to it
  • Sample independency (Spillover effect), for example, Facebook: many connected components, thus Group A and B are no longer independent.

  • Possible solution: community (cluster) based AB test by partitioning nodes to groups, or for a dating app with no prior connections, maybe using demographic/geographical attributes
  • Each cluster is assigned a treatment, thus unlikely for spillover from control to treatment
  • Unit of analysis is reduced, higher variance as a result


Case Study

Problem Statement

  • Given a feature difference in facebook app, evaluate if the change will improve user activity.
  • Given a UI component change (e.g., button color) in a pageview, evaluate if there are more users clicking.
  • Given a pop-up message, whether users will continue enroll in program or not
  • Given a new firewall feature in GCP

For example: An online education company tested a change where if the student clicked “start free trial”, they were asked how much time they had available to devote to the course. If the student indicated 5 or more hours per week, they would be taken through the checkout process as usual. If they indicated fewer than 5 hours per week, a message would appear indicating that these courses usually require a greater time commitment for successful completion, and suggesting that the student might like to access the course materials for free.

Choose Subject (Unit of diversion)

Possible Choice:

  • User id
  • Cookie
  • Event

Choose metric

Example of pop-up message and program enrollment

Guardrail Metrics that should NOT change:

  • Number of cookies, unique # of cookies visiting the page
  • Number of clicks on the button (since message shown after clicking)

Metrics that MAY change:

  • User Aquisition: $p = \frac{Number\ of\ users\ actually\ enrolled}{Number\ of\ users\ clicking\ button}$

  • User Retention: $p = \frac{Number\ of\ users\ remain\ enrolled\ for\ 14\ days}{Number\ of\ users\ clicking\ button}$

User Growth